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Google Ads Profit Calculator (v1.2)

Try our Google Ads profit calculator. You can use this calculator to determine if your Google campaign will profitable. To make your campaign more profitable, you should consider lowering your cost per click and looking at what can be done to increase your conversion rate.

Note: These calculations are based on a Cost Per Call Campaign (ie. campaigns that are setup to generate direct calls to your business only). We are currently working on an update that will include website visits (Cost Per Click) and will be based on your website's estimated conversion rate.

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Enter your average lifetime PROFIT per new customer here. You should ideally include variables such as: extra income from customer referrals, up-sales & cross-sales etc.

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Include any expenses that are incurred per customer (not already included in your 'Lifetime Profit Value' above)

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Enter how many leads it takes to acquire a new customer.

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If desired, you may choose advanced settings, to get a slightly more accurate reading.

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Please enter the amount you are prepared to pay per click. If in doubt, leave at default (£1)

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An average campaign requires about 2hrs of management per month. If we divide this by a modest estimate of 200 clicks per month this works out to be just 35p per lead.

Cost & Profit

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This field is your cost per lead multiplied by how many leads it takes to acquire a new customer. This field will be calculated automatically.

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This is your AdWords profit. The profit you get from every new customer you acquire from AdWords. This field will be calculated automatically.

Note: This calculator is designed as a guidance tool only. However, many professionals new to PPC are either over-cautious or jump straight in without taking into account the many variables at play. This calculator is designed to help you take into account some key considerations when calculating the profitability of click-based advertising and therefore make a more informed decision. It will also enable you to 'experiment' and see what variables will most affect your profit margin and if PPC is the right route for you. If you have any questions about this calculator or have some ideas on how this tool could be improved, please click here.